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Invoice Format In Excel

카테고리 없음

by honamenhill1979 2020. 3. 2. 18:11


Posted in categoryIf I would have to look for invoicing solution for my business, my first choice is going to be a simple invoice template for Microsoft® Excel®, which should be easy to customize and use, so that I would not have to spend time creating one from scratch. There are lot of people out there, just like me, who are looking to do just this, so to help and make their lives easier, I have created this simple invoice template, which you can download absolutely free of charge, update it with your company info in a matter of minutes by changing a few settings and use for invoicing your customers. I can almost guaranty that it will take less time for you to send you your first invoice than you spent making a cup of coffee. DescriptionThis simple invoice template is ideal for a start-up businesses and individuals by giving them opportunity for performing simple invoicing tasks.The spreadsheet contains four templates, both, in portrait as well as landscape format, two of which are ink friendly formats, but you can also select the colour, out of four pre-set colors available for you right on the settings tab of the template.Most settings are done on the settings tab, which will be immediately reflected on all invoice tabs, except one, that you need to insert your logo manually in to every invoice template. You can also change the currency symbol from US Dollars to UK Pounds, Euro or Japanese Yen, by selecting relevant from the drop-down list. Printing and Sending your Invoices.When it comes to printing your invoices, I generally suggest to use PDF printers that usually do come in a form of software like Adobe® Acrobat that settles on your computer as a virtual printer and can be found in Devices and Printers panel of your computer.

It has changed in Microsoft® Excel® 2013, because Excel 2013 has integrated PDF converter, which will let you to export your invoices in PDF without a need to having additional software. Converting individual invoices to PDF can also save you some money on buying paper and ink and most importantly save you some time when sending your invoice.

Sample Invoice Format In Excel


Excel Invoice Template Versions:Excel 2003 and laterDescription:Simple Excel Invoice Template that automatically calculates Row Totals, Subtotal, Tax and Invoice Total.Using the Excel Invoice TemplateIf you enter values into the 'Product ID', 'Description', 'Quantity' and 'Unit Price' columns of the above invoice template, the 'Row Total', 'Subtotal', 'Tax' and 'Total' fields are automatically calculated.Most of the cells in the spreadsheet can be overwritten. However, some of the cells have been locked, to prevent you from accidentally overwriting the formulas in these cells. If you wish to have more control over the spreadsheet, you can unlock it.